Was he Abused by vixens?

Picture this….

A fully adult grown male (heterosexual, Stud, transgender man…ok guys that like women!) walks up to you and alleges a sexual assault by a sexy vixen. What do you do?


First ladies let’s assess the little whiner! Here’s a quick way to do so:

1. Examine how “he” was dressed, what he had to drink, his previous sexual history?

2.Whether or not “he” ate food bought by the vixen in question?

3.How many times did “he” say no?

4. Has “he” viewed any pornographic material within the last 90 days?

5. Whether or not “he” wore cologne or underwear at the time of the so call assault?


Ladies, now that you have determined that your investigation requires further research and gathering of evidence…here’s how to proceed. 

1. Frisk “him”.

(This should be done to see exactly how big a weapon “he” MIGHT be hiding, if any. Could be nothing but for your own safety check anyway…)

2. Get him fresh clothes, take the old ones, and help “him” shower.

(Warm water is actually a wonderful stress reliever as well. An added plus is that you will get the see the “victim” naked, for umm bruises and stuff?)

3. Give “him” another drink

Chances are “he” will have something worth sampling as did the vixen before you (if “his” story is to be believed). If two beautiful women take advantage of his maleness…well…umm…sucks to be  “him” huh?)

4. Take “him” somewhere quiet and candlelit then listen in detail to his trauma.

(A private room may soothe and comfort the ‘alleged” victim. Make sure he recounts every single detail to you. Help him act it out if needed)

5. Immediately wash all the clothes that “he” came in!

DNA might still be on his clothes, I’d prefer not to have to explain why he’s in front of the house singing this song …


Inakat’s Personal Note:

* If you are a true victim of sexual assault call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.


#humor #wordpress #femdom #kinky #Twist #Erotica #ebooks #PoliticallyIncorrect

If you are a male that was abused by a vixen…quit calling or shut-up!









Posted on April 25, 2014, in couples, erotica, Inakat, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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